チョコレートだったら すぐキャッチ
7番ライト Ann

 Ann's looking forward to 2005 and the challenges it brings with it. She feels very lucky and for a very good reason: "It was 5:30/6am, a good time to be down at the beach, before everyone else. A run along the shore from Scarborough to Trigg was always a good way to start a summer's day. I had finished the run, had a quick dip, and then returned home for a healthy breakfast, shower and change, before heading into work. The last thing to put on before heading in was my jewellery. 'Oh no! My watch!' I remembered wrapping it in my towel before I went into the water. It must've fallen out when I picked up my towel and I'd completely forgotten about it. The watch was special. It had been a gift from a very close, Japanese friend, and not a cheap gift either; it was a Charles Jourdan.
  By now it was close to 8:30 and it was getting hot. When I got down to the beach, the sun had well and truly risen and heaps of people were either walking along or lying on the beach. so I walked down to where I thought I had put my towel. On the way, in the sand, I spotted an emery board, and I knew I must've been close because so I kept on looking. I started walking up and down, looking in the sand, and being careful to tread gently in case the watch sank further into the sand. Two ladies nearby asked if I was looking for something, and so they joined in the search. No more than 5 minutes later I saw it. There it was, slightly further away from where I thought I'd been. It was there! I couldn't believe it. I thanked the women. I think they could see the look of delight on my face. Driving back home, with my watch on, I cried. I said a big prayer of thanks. Then I called my father from my mobile and told him what had happened. (I had to tell someone)
(H)ゆうこあらGedお茶汲み子Tomomi薩摩隼人 | Ann YOSHIWO
マー坊 ユンタクマリスケ2ミカマン | 東京ショックボーイズ宇田有三
ジパング上陸作戦回答ZORRO俺サマブッシュウォーカー | 背番号17

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