3番レフト Ged

 My story is a simple one. It was a few days before Christmas and we were preparing for the holiday season. Our house has a large old gate at the front and the gate is used to keep our dog in the yard and for security when we are away from the house. We came home from work one day and found that the gate had fallen over and it was clear that we would have to build a new one very quickly or we would not be able to go away for a holiday.
 We went to the local Bunnings store and went to the wood section. We loaded a trolley with lots and lots of wood, the wood was very expensive but the quality was not very good, however we had to buy it because there was no time to wait till new wood stocks were brought to the store. While we were waiting to pay for the wood, a young guy came up to us and said he was a carpenter and had just finished a job. He was returning some items to the store he did not use to get a refund but he had lots of good quality wood he would have to throw away. If we wanted the wood he would be pleased to give it to us. We were so surprised and went to the car park with him and sure enough he had many lengths of wood perfect for making a gate!!! We loaded them on our car and thanked him very much, it was a really great Christmas present for us!!! It reminded us that the Christmas spirit of giving to each other and goodwill was alive and well!!
(H)ゆうこあらGedお茶汲み子Tomomi薩摩隼人 | Ann YOSHIWO
マー坊 ユンタクマリスケ2ミカマン | 東京ショックボーイズ宇田有三
ジパング上陸作戦回答ZORRO俺サマブッシュウォーカー | 背番号17

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