

2023年を迎え、オーストラリア・日本両政府の要人にご挨拶を頂きました。西オーストラリア州首相兼財務大臣、公共部門管理大臣、連邦国家関連大臣のマーク・マガウワン氏(The Hon. Mr. Mark McGowan MLA, Premier of Western Australia; Treasurer; Minister for Public Sector Management; Federal-State Relations)の新年のご挨拶を紹介します。

The Hon. Mr. Mark McGowan MLA
Premier of Western Australia;
Minister for Public Sector Management;
Federal-State Relations



The Perth Express – New Year’s Message from the Premier of Western Australia

Greetings to all readers of The Perth Express.

On behalf of the Government of Western Australia, I wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope it brings prosperity and good health to each of you and your families.

We begin 2023 in remarkably different circumstances to those we faced this time last year.

Last January, travel restrictions were still in place to protect Western Australians and increase vaccination rates ahead of our state’s reopening.

Following WA achieving some of the highest vaccination rates, travel restrictions were removed in early March 2022, heralding a successful return to the pre-pandemic life that Western Australians patiently yearned for since Covid reached our shores.

Although difficult, our pandemic response and conservative lifting of restrictions meant Western Australia’s hospitalisations, intensive care admissions and death rate were far lower than other jurisdictions in Australia and across the world.

Our safe approach to re-opening has since facilitated many special moments – both on a personal level and from a state perspective.

Western Australia’s Japanese diaspora has been able to reconnect with family and friends.

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was able to visit Perth in October 2022.

And we have once again welcomed visitors from across the world to experience the incredible culture, tastes, and landscapes throughout our vast state. All going well, we expect the return of All Nippon Airways’ direct flight between Tokyo and Perth in coming months to further boost visitation and business between both cities.

I am also excited to be able to travel to Japan this month (January), following my previous visits to the country in 2017 and 2019.

Japan and Western Australia enjoy a close and mutually beneficial relationship.

Whether it’s our growing trade, cultural exchanges, or our shared ambition to reduce global emissions, Japan and Western Australia’s connection is marked by civility and respect.

Together we have achieved much – but I believe the best is yet to come. There are many opportunities to harness as the world transitions to a low carbon future.

The purpose of the trip to Japan is to reconnect with the businesses and government stakeholders to further galvanise our bond.

I am eager to discuss how we can build on our successes and explore new ideas that could contribute to our mutual prosperity, particularly after the challenges presented by the pandemic over the last several years.

For example, forging partnerships for the future use of hydrogen in Japan, and Western Australia’s drive to become a major global producer in years ahead.

Just as Japanese investment into Western Australia in the late 1960s was integral to our State’s iron ore industry, Western Australia is well positioned to support Japan’s transition to net zero by 2050.

Our histories are entwined, and 2023 presents fresh opportunities for our partnership to continue to flourish.

Once again, I wish all readers a Happy New Year.

関連:【パースエクスプレス・マガジン】特別収録 オーストラリア・日本両政府からの新年のご挨拶


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