

2021年を迎え、オーストラリア・日本両政府の要人にご挨拶を頂きました。西オーストラリア州首相兼公共部門管理大臣、州開発・雇用・貿易大臣、連邦国家関連大臣のマーク・マガウワン氏(The Hon. Mr. Mark McGowan MLA, Premier of Western Australia; Minister for Public Sector Management; State Development, Jobs and Trade; Federal- State Relations)の新年のご挨拶を紹介します。

The Hon. Mr. Mark McGowan MLA
Premier of Western Australia;
Minister for Public Sector Management;
State Development, Jobs and Trade;
Federal- State Relations



New Year’s Message from the Premier of Western Australia

I would like to extend my warmest wishes to the readers of The Perth Express and, on behalf of the Western Australian Government, wish you all a Happy New Year.

2020 was a very difficult year for many people throughout the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But with the development of vaccines and new ways of working, we can look to the future with optimism.

Japan remains a key trading partner for Western Australia. The ties between Japan and Western Australia are strong, with Japanese investment in the State providing impetus for industry growth, and Western Australia providing a secure and stable supply of commodities required by Japan, not to mention developing links on renewable hydrogen.

Despite the current restrictions on international travel, the State Government is working with key partners and embracing new ways of working to assist Western Australian exporters to gain a deeper understanding of and access to the Japanese market.

During 2020, a number of online initiatives were conducted in the Japanese market including wine masterclasses where Western Australian wines were showcased to leading sommeliers and industry representatives via virtual tasting events.

In addition, Western Australian food and beverage exporters were provided with virtual briefings on the Japanese retail and food service sectors by the Western Australian Trade and Investment Office in Japan and Austrade Tokyo.

The State Government also worked closely with the Federal Government to provide access to air freight to enable Western Australian produce to reach the Japanese market.

In 2021, Western Australia and Japan will celebrate a significant milestone, with the 40th anniversary of the sister-state relationship between Hyogo Prefecture and Western Australia. There has been significant exchange between our two regions over many decades, including 20,000 students participating in school exchanges between Hyogo and Western Australia.

I expect our relationship to only strengthen and I encourage Japanese and Western Australian companies and organisations to continue to work together to foster further areas of mutual benefit.

On behalf of the Western Australia State Government, I would like to wish the Western Australian Japanese community and readers of The Perth Express a Happy New Year for 2021.


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