Japan Australia Information Link Media パースエクスプレス

パースエクスプレスVol.192 2014年1月号

≫ オーストラリア・日本両政府からの新年のご挨拶

 ≫ — トニー・アボット オーストラリア連邦首相

 ≫ — コリン・バーネット 西オーストラリア州首相兼開発、科学大臣

 ≫ — 秋元 義孝 駐オーストラリア日本国特命全権大使

 ≫ — 舩山 光一 在パース日本国総領事

 社 会


The Hon. Mr. Tony Abbott MP
Prime Minister of Australia トニー・アボット オーストラリア連邦首相

If we should ever enter a New Year full of optimism, it is 2014.

We are a strong, resilient and smart people and I want 2014 to be the year that all Australians feel the confidence to ‘have a go’.

The strength of our country lies not in government, but in the willingness of Australians to better their lives.

This is the year I want more Australians than ever to ‘have a go’. - to start new businesses, build new houses, undertake further study, make investments, plan your future and your children's: because that's how we build the stronger, more prosperous country that we all want.

The Government will do its part: we are scrapping the bad taxes, cutting red and green tape, ending waste, building infrastructure and strengthening the Budget.

This year I want you to have more choice, more freedom and less government demands on you - that way you can build a better future for yourself, for the Australian-Japanese community and our country.

A strong country always has a deep appreciation of its history. In 2014 we commence the commemoration of the Centenary of ANZAC and I hope all Australians will take part.

I will also be talking to the Australian people about a constitutional referendum to amend the Constitution and recognise Aboriginal Australians as the first Australians. Such an acknowledgement would complete our Constitution rather than change it.

We are a great country and a great people. We believe in work, family, community; doing things for love, not just money; and living our ideals. This is why I am optimistic about our country and its prospects.

May we all be nearer to our better selves in 2014 and I pledge the government to help in this great task.







 強い国というのは、自国の歴史に深い理解をもっているものです。2014年は、ANZAC 100周年式典が開催されますが、オーストラリア国民の皆様には是非、参加していただきたく思います。



