


マガジン「The Perth Express」休刊のお知らせ

マガジン「The Perth Express」(Imanari Media Corporation Pty. Ltd. 出版)は、2020年3月15日発刊のVol.266(2020年3月号)をもちまして休刊することに致しました。
  Website: theperthexpress.com.au
  Instagram: @theperthexpress
  Facebook: The Perth Express
  Youtube: The Perth Express
  Twitter: @theperthexpress
長きにわたりマガジン「The Perth Express」へのご協力、ご支援下さいましたスポンサーの各社皆様、ご愛読頂きました読者皆様には、改めて心より厚く御礼申し上げます。また、今後ともデジタルメディアとしての「The Perth Express」へのご指導、ご鞭撻のほど何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Imanari Media Corporation Pty. Ltd. 代表
The Perth Express 発行人/編集長
今城 康雄/Yasuo Imanari





Notice from The Perth Express Editorial Department

Imanari Media Corporation Pty. Ltd. regrets to announce the suspension of publication of The Perth Express.
Imanari Media Corporation Pty. Ltd. regrets to announce the suspension of publication of The Perth Express.
The Perth Express is the first Japanese magazine and was launched in February 1998 in Perth, Western Australia. It published 226 issues over 22 years.
This difficult decision has been forced by the digital media having a significantly stronger presence compared to traditional print media and the COVID-19 pandemic crisis during these trying times.
However, I continue to provide professional, researched and accurate information on digital platforms as a flagship of Japanese media in Perth, Western Australia.
  Digital Platform
  Website: theperthexpress.com.au
  Instagram: @theperthexpress
  Facebook: The Perth Express
  Youtube: The Perth Express
  Twitter: @theperthexpress
I also go on to offer the following services.
– Publish Japanese Information Map “EXPRESS”
– Business Coordination
– Media Coordination
– Design Work
– Advertising Work
I would like to thank you for being loyal sponsors and readers. It has been a pleasure serving you and supplying you with The Perth Expres and I look forward to providing information on digital platforms for you for many more years to come.
Director of Imanari Media Corporation
Publisher and Editor in Chief of The Perth Express 
Yasuo Imanari

For further information:info@theperthexpress.com.au


Click the link to download the pdf.
Notice from The Perth Express Editorial Department.pdf
