Tel:(08)9365 7137 (Mr Patrick Whight)
The Australia-Japan Society of WA (AJS) was established
more than 28 years ago and has more than 300 members. The
Society offers various levels of membership and is open
to all people with an interest in promoting the relationships
between Japan and Australia. The Society runs various events
and activities throughout the year which is promoted in
their newsletters. The AJS also operates a student exchange
program for high school students. The exchange program gives
year 12 students the opportunity to attend a high school
in Japan for 12 months, enabling the students to experience
life in Japan and develop their Japanese language skills.
The AJS also sponsors various events and also provides prizes
to outstanding Japanese language students at WA universities.
Everyone is most welcome to join the AJS please feel free
to contact the AJS secretary,

Ms Kazuko Nagai is the Japanese language advisor at the
Education Department of WA. Ms Nagai provides a valuable
link between Japanese language education and other Japan
related organisations through her participation in the Friends
of Japan.

(Mr Grag Loton at the Consulate General of Japan)
The Japan Exchange & Teaching Alumni Association of WA &
NT (JETAAWA.NT) represents 160 former JET programme participants
now living in these two states. An important aim of the
JETAA is to assist in promotion of the JET programme and
recruitment of prospective participants. JETAA also assists
members in adjusting to life back home after their experience
in Japan, provides a networking opportunity for career development
and holds social functions to enable JETAA members to stay
in touch. Another important function of JETAA is to provide
a forum where JETAAs can continue to contribute to inter-cultural
exchange and understanding, which is a core value of the
JET programme.

Tel: (08)9325 4448
Email: info@nichigonet.com
JALTWA provides support services to Japanese language teachers
in Western Australian primary and high schools. Support
includes such activities as resource sharing, at all levels
of schooling. JALTWA nearly 200 members and a 15 member
committee JALTWA produces a comprehensive newsletter and
membership is open to anyone, not just language teachers.
For more information please contact the Perth Express and
we can pass on your details

1st Floor, 146 Murray St. Perth
Tel: (08)9325 4441
Email: nichigo@nichigonet.com
Founded in 1993, the Nichigo Centre has been supporting
Japanese visitors, students and residents as well as Australians
interested in Japan. The Centre provides a wide range of
services including education and visa information, Japanese/English
language support as well as Perth's bigges Japanese "manga"
cafe and Japanese Book exchange. Nichigo Centre can take
enquiries directly on its website at www.nicigonet.com.
For more information, visit the Centre on the 1st floor
at 146 Murray Street in Perth.

Tel: (08)9380-3838
The University of Western Australia Japanese Studies Society
(UWAJapssoc) or Nihon Bunka Kouryuu-Kai is one of the oldest
and most well-respected Student societies at UWA, with a
history of more than 35 years. UWAJapssoc's mission is to
facilitate greater cultural understanding and exchange between
Japanese and Australians. UWAJapssoc membership includes
Japanese language students, academics and anyone with an
interest in Japan. The Society holds a number of social
and cultural events throughout the academic year. The Society
also maintains links with other community organisations
with an interest in Japan. The role UWAJapssoc within Friends
of Japan, is primarily to transfer information between the
student body and youth, and the professional and community
organisations, and provide a connection for students to
play a wider role in Australia/Japan related activities
in their future careers.

The Bonsai Workshop was formed in the late 1980's. The groups
objectives were to foster and stimulate interest in the
culture of Bonsai whilst educating interested people in
the art of Bonsai. The group has strived to have several
Australian Bonsai mentors come to Perth in an effort to
expand and enrich Bonsai knowledge in Perth. It is the clubs
intention to continue to bring both national and international
Bonsai experts to Perth to improve and reinforce local Bonsai
knowledge. We try to foster peoples involvement in the art
of bonsai by encouraging a 'hands on'.

21st Floor, 221 St Georges Tce, Perth Tel:(08)9480 1800
The Consulate-General is an overseas diplomatic mission
of the Japanese Government and its chief role in Western
Australia is to provide consular assistance to Japanese
nationals residing or visiting the State. It also promotes
cultural exchange between Australia and Japan via various
cultural events and activities sponsored by the Japanese
Government such as the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET)
Programme, scholarships and exhibitions. If you would like
to subscribe free of charge to our monthly newsletter for
the latest events and information, please visit our website
and register online to 'Hiroba e-zine'.

25th Floor, 250 St Georges Tce, Perth
Tel: (08)9321 8536
Hyogo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre was established
in 1992 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Sister-State
relationship between Hyogo Prefecture and Western Australia.
The Centre aims to promote language and cultural exchange
between the two states. Activities include the ever-popular
Pera Pera Club, Japanese film nights, craft workshops and
seminars on a variety of topics. Hyogo Cultural Centre maintains
a large library of resource materials, which are available
for members to borrow and the general public to use within
the office. Membership is $20 and runs for the Japanese
financial year, i.e. April to March. Hyogo Cultural Centre
is open from 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Solely run by students, the Japanese Studies Society of
Murdoch University's membership includes both Japanese and
non-Japanese students. The JAPSOC conducts fundraisers and
the money raised is used towards organising activities to
help learn about Japan. 日本人だけではなく、様々な国の学生によって運営されるマードック大学日本研究会。JAPSOC基金及び研究会の利益は、日本について学びたいという学生の援助に当てられている。

Perth, is located in lat. 32°South, and called "the City
of Sunlight". On the other hand, Kagoshima-city is located
in lat. 32°North and called "the City of the Sun and Green".
For this reason, they made a pact of the sister cities in
1974. There is "Kagoshima Park" in Perth and "the Perth
Street" in Kagoshima. First established in 1984 the City
of Belmont and the Special Ward of Adachi in Tokyo, Japan
celebrates 20 years of being "sisters" in 2004 and the Adachi
Park in Belmont will be opened.
The State of Western Australia / Hyogo(1981.6)
Perth / Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima(1974.4)
Fremantle / Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa(1979.4)
Broome / Taiji-cho, Wakayama(1981.5)
Belmont / Adachi-ku, Tokyo(1984.10)
Bunbury/ Setagaya-ku, Tokyo(1992.11)
Busselton / Sugito-machi, Saitama(1996.11)
Rockingham / Ako-shi, Hyogo(1997.4)
Geraldton / Arai-cho, Shizuoka (1998.9)
Albany / Tomioka-shi, Gunma(2001.2)※Friendship