Japan Australia Information Link Media パースエクスプレス

パースエクスプレスVol.132 2009年1月号

≫ 日本・オーストラリア両政府からの新年のご挨拶
≫ U16ホッケー日本代表が健闘 FHE Cup
≫ 新型インフルエンザワクチン 生後6ヶ月から9歳児も対象に



It gives me great pleasure to send my warmest wishes for a prosperous and happy New Year 2010 to the staff, management and readers of The Perth Express.

Australia has a close and consistent friendship with Japan, which is enhanced by close people-to-people links. About 60,000 Japanese people live in Australia, and in 2007, around 573,000 Japanese tourists visited Australia and 250,000 Australians visited Japan.

By providing current news and up-to-date information to the Japanese-Australian community and visitors, The Perth Express helps its readers to participate fully in the wider Australian multicultural population while maintaining connections abroad. Over the past 11 years, The Perth Express has become an integral part of Japanese and Australian community life and I commend the efforts of the newspaper in providing such a valuable service.

Cultural diversity is an intrinsic part of Australian society and a unifying force for our nation. The Japanese community in Australia plays an important role in the makeup of modern Australia from sport, business, politics and the arts.

The Australian Government is firmly committed to a modern, vital and diverse Australia in which all people have the freedom to be active and equal participants in our society. The genuine commitment of all Australians to a nation united by shared values, including tolerance, mutual respect and compassion for those in need, continues to build and strengthen this country.

Once again I would like to send best wishes for New Year season to the staff, management and readers of The Perth Express and wish everyone a prosperous 2010.


The Hon. Mr. Kevin Rudd MP
Prime Minister of Australia








I am delighted to wish the Japanese community and readers of The Perth Express a very happy New Year.

The Perth Express provides an excellent service not only to Japanese people based in Perth and those Western Australians with a keen interest in Japan, but it also promotes the strong links between our State and Japan.

Japan and Western Australia continue to have a strong relationship based on mutual understanding and key links in many sectors. I am committed to developing this relationship further, not only in the traditional sectors, such as resources, agriculture and education, but also in new fields of collaboration such as research and development and the scientific arena.

To demonstrate my commitment to this long standing relationship, I made Japan the destination of my first official overseas visit as Premier of Western Australia. Whilst in Japan, I met with many organisations and Government representatives who have close ties with Western Australia and who, like me, are keen to broaden those ties well into the future.

Moving into a new era of growth for Western Australia, it is good to see that Japan will again play a key role in the development of important State initiatives such as the Gorgon project and Oakajee. With Japanese companies taking equity and sales contracts in such projects, and others opening branch offices in Perth, both Japan and Western Australia will benefit.

There were many highlights last year, including Western Australia hosting the inaugural "in the Zone" conference at the University of Western Australia aimed at promoting collaboration between countries that lie in the same time zone as Western Australia. Japan is one such country and a number of high profile speakers and delegates from Japan attended the conference.

Earlier in 2009, I was delighted to welcome the former Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hirofumi Nakasone to Perth. This was the first visit to Western Australia by a Japanese Foreign Minister and it demonstrates the high degree of importance that Japan places on its relationship with Western Australia.

Today, Japan is Western Australia's second largest trading partner, with total trade valued at almost $20 billion in 2008-09. Western Australia and Japan's strong trade and industry partnership has also led to establishing valuable cultural and people-to-people links. Western Australia and Hyogo Prefecture are now in the 29th year of their Sister State relationship, making it Western Australia's most enduring Sister State relationship. Western Australia and Japan have developed 12 Sister City, Sister State and Sister Port relationships. Western Australia greatly values these relationships - they help to foster friendship and cooperation in a range of areas.

I congratulate The Perth Express for its role in strengthening cultural links and keeping the community well informed.

May you enjoy a prosperous 2010 filled with good health.


The Hon. Mr. Colin Barnett MLA
Premier of Western Australia






昨年は特筆すべき出来事がたくさんございました。その1つに、西豪州と同じタイムゾーンにある国々との協力関係を発展させることを目的とした初の国際会議、“In The Zone”が西オーストラリア大学で開催されたことが挙げられます。日本からも政財界の著名人の方々に講演者や代表者として多数ご出席いただきました。  












また9月に第4回日米豪閣僚級戦略対話が開催され、アフガニスタン、パキスタンの安定と復興に向けた国際社会の支援の重要性、北朝鮮問題等についての協議が行われました。更に、グローバルな取り組みとして2008年の日豪首脳会談を受けて日豪共同イニシアティブとして立ち上がった『核不拡散・核軍縮に関する国際委員会』の会合は昨年中に3回開催され、提言をとりまとめた報告書が12月、東京において同委員会の共同議長である川口順子元外務大臣及びギャレス・エバンス元外務大臣から鳩山総理及びラッド首相に手渡されました。気候変動問題については、10月に行われた岡田外務大臣とクリーン貿易大臣との会談で、今後の国際交渉の進展に向けて、日豪間が二国間及び多国間の枠組みで協力強化していくことで一致しており、12月に開催されたCOP 15における政治合意文書作りにおいても日豪は緊密に協力しました。




H.E. Mr. Takaaki Kojima
Japanese Ambassador to Australia
小島 高明

To the residents of Perth and the vast State of Western Australia: Happy New Year!

I was very fortunate to visit Western Australia twice last year, so including my official visit in February 2008, I have visited your state four times in total since my arrival in Australia. I believe there is no need to go into any great detail about just how important Western Australia is to Japan. Let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the people of Western Australia for all their efforts in building up this wonderful relationship between your state and Japan. I am confident that 2010 will see our relations strengthen even further.

The Japan-Australia relationship, developed over years of mutually complementary and collaborative economic ties, has now fully developed into a comprehensive and strategic partnership based on shared basic values.

Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had an official meeting in New York in September last year shortly after Japan's new government took office. Our two leaders were of the same view not only concerning the importance of our bilateral relations, but also concerning our respective roles on the global stage.

Let us look back on developments in the Japan-Australia relationship over the last year. In late April, the then Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone visited Australia. He was the first Japanese Minister to visit Australia following the Rudd Government's election to office. During his visit to Perth he had an official meeting and Joint Press Conference with Foreign Minister Stephen Smith and also met with Western Australia Premier Colin Barnett.

There were three Prime Ministerial meetings in 2009. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd met with the then Prime Minister Aso in July and also with Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama in September and December.

Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations were held three times, enabling both sides to discuss on numerous issues of mutual interest. In October, Minister for Trade Simon Crean visited Tokyo for the first Japan-Australia Trade and Economic Ministerial Dialogue.

To enhance people-to-people exchange, programmes such as "Young Political Leaders Exchange Program", "Invitation Programme for Future Business Counterparts", and "Invitation Programme for Students of Japanese at Australia Universities" were implemented in 2009.

The fourth ministerial meeting of the Trilateral Strategic Dialogue between Japan, Australia and the United States was held in September to discuss the importance of international support for peace and stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as issues involving North Korea and other regional concerns.

On the global stage, the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, which was established as a joint initiative after the Australia-Japan Prime Ministerial Meeting in 2008, held three meetings last year. The Commission produced its report, which was presented by the Commission's joint chairs, former Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi of Japan and former Foreign Minister Gareth Evans of Australia, to Prime Minister Hatoyama and Prime Minister Rudd in December in Tokyo.

On climate change, Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada and Trade Minister Simon Crean met in October and, shared the view that both Japan and Australia would advance their cooperation with respect to our bilateral efforts and multilateral framework initiatives. Both countries collaborated closely to produce the political agreement at COP15, which was held in Copenhagen in December.

I firmly believe that all Japanese residents in Australia have an obligation to ensure that our bilateral relationship is kept in good order so that it may be safely passed on to the next generation. For my part, I am committed to the further development and expansion of what is today an outstanding relationship between Australia and Japan.

In closing let me sincerely wish all of you a very happy, healthy, and safe New Year.










Mr. Torao Sato
Consul-General of Japan in Perth
佐藤 虎男

To the readers of The Perth Express, Happy New Year.

Looking back over the last year, there have been lots of developments in the world including in the political arena, both domestic and international, while there has been some fairly major news among the Japanese community in Western Australia. In June, the Japanese School in Perth relocated from Scarborough to City Beach, and then in August, Hyogo Prefectural Government Cultural Centre, whose main role is to promote sister-relationship activities (among Hyogo Prefecture and the State of Western Australia) and introduce Japanese culture to people in Western Australia, also relocated to the same premises where the Japanese School is located. Also, in November, newly constructed Icebreaker Shirase called at Fremantle port for the first time in two years.

In regard to political matters between the state of Western Australia and Japan, Premier of Western Australia, the Hon. Colin Barnett made his first trip to Japan after the election. Then, in May, the former Japan痴 Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nakasone visited Western Australia as the first Japanese foreign minister to visit Perth, where he met with the Hon. Colin Barnett. Also, bilateral discussion was held between Mr. Nakasone and Australian Foreign Minister, the Hon. Stephen Smith.

There have also been continual active movements in the area of cultural and interpersonal exchange. In particular, regarding sister-city relationships, Kagoshima City and City of Perth celebrated the 35th anniversary of their relationship and various ceremonial events were held. Last year also marked the 25th anniversary of the sister-city relationship between Adachi ward in Tokyo and the City of Belmont.

As we welcome in the new year, the Consulate-General of Japan at Perth would like to make further efforts not only to strengthen the economical relationship between Japan and Western Australia, which is the basis of our relationship, but also to promote cultural and interpersonal exchange in order to gain a greater understanding of each other.

We also would like to continue to make efforts to improve the administrative services in the area of consular affairs, which is important to the Japanese people here in Western Australia.

When Japanese people live or travel abroad where the lifestyle, language, and culture are different from that of Japan, they always carry the possibility of coming across certain restrictions or some risks because of their different backgrounds. So that one can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and travels while abroad, it is important to call to mind the aforementioned restrictions and risks.

Finally, I wish you and your family further prosperity and good health in the New Year.

  U16ホッケー日本代表が健闘 FHE Cup
ホッケーの年代別国際大会、FHE Cupが2009年12月11日から13日までの日程でHale Hockey Stadium(ヘール・ホッケースタジアム)で開催された。今回はU16(16歳以下)の大会となり、日本からも将来のオリンピック代表選手の育成などを目的とした中学校選抜が、男女代表チームとして参加した。



一方で女子代表は同日、決勝戦でWA州U16代表と対戦。ミスから前半に2点を奪われるが、後半開始3分にキャプテンの永井葉月選手がペナルティコーナーから得点を挙げた。勢いに乗った日本代表はその後も相手ゴールを脅かすが決定力に欠け、逆に失点を許して引き離されてしまった。惜しくも優勝は逃したが、大久保文義監督は「ゲームを重ねてチームとしてよく成長できたと思います。2位という結果には、悔しさと良くできたという、両方の気持ちがありますね」と述べ、永井選手は「2位というのは残念ですけど、みんなで勝ち取った2位なので悔いはありません!」とチーム一丸となって勝ち取った準優勝の感想を語った。 ホッケーの年代別国際大会、FHE Cupが2009年12月11日から13日までの日程でHale Hockey Stadium(ヘール・ホッケースタジアム)で開催された。今回はU16(16歳以下)の大会となり、日本からも将来のオリンピック代表選手の育成などを目的とした中学校選抜が、男女代表チームとして参加した。

取材協力:FHE Cup Organising Committee

閉会式後、NSW BUSH RANGERSの選手たちと円陣を組んで、「オージー!オージー!オージー!オイ!オイ!オイ!」とオーストラリア風の掛け声を一緒に合唱。その他にユニフォーム交換や写真撮影などで海外の選手との交流も深めていました。

最終順位 男子
1位 WA州U15代表
3位 日本代表
5位 WA州U16代表
最終順位 女子
1位 WA州U16代表
2位 日本代表
4位 シンガポール代表











情報提供:在パース日本国総領事館 http://www.perth.au.emb-japan.go.jp/index_j.ht