パースエクスプレスVol.132 2009年1月号

≫ 日本・オーストラリア両政府からの新年のご挨拶


本誌ではケビン・ラッド豪州政府首相、コリン・バーネット西豪州政府首相、 小島高明在豪州日本国特命全権大使、そして佐藤虎男在パース日本国総領事の4氏より 新年のご挨拶を頂戴しましたのでご紹介します。

It gives me great pleasure to extend New Year greetings to the staff, management and readers of The Perth Express.

The Perth Express provides a very important service to the Japanese community in Australia. It assists students living in Australia and visitors alike by providing current news and up-to-date information.

The Japanese community has made significant social and cultural contributions to Australia. All Australians have a special place in their hearts for the country in which they were born and this is true for Japanese Australians. One of the joys of being part of our culturally diverse community is the opportunity to witness and participate in the many traditions that people bring with them when they settle in Australia.

Japan has been one of Australia's closest and most consistent friends in the region over many years. Australia and Japan have a comprehensive strategic, security and economic partnership built on a long history of cooperation, trade and investment links, shared strategic interests and democratic values. Japan is by far Australia's largest export market, worth around $35 billion in 2007, and our second largest trading partner overall.

Japan and Australia also share strong people-to-people links, with around 60,000 Japanese people living in Australia. These links are enhanced by more than 60 Australia-Japan and Japan-Australia societies, which provide grass-roots community support to the relationship, as well as 99 sister-city relationships. Japan is Australia' third-largest source of tourists, with around 573,000 Japanese visiting Australia in 2007, and 250,000 Australians visiting Japan. Around 20,000 Japanese students are studying in Australia, and in 2007 around 370,000 Australian students were learning Japanese.

The beginning of a new year is a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate and to give thanks. Once again, I would like to wish the readers, management and staff of The Perth Express a very safe, happy and prosperous 2009.


The Hon. Mr. Kevin Rudd MP
Prime Minister of Australia



日本人コミュニティは、オーストラリアに対して著しい社会的、文化的貢献を果たされてきました。すべてのオーストラリア人は、心の奥に生まれた国への特別な想いを秘めています。これは在豪日本人の皆さまにも当てはまります。オーストラリアへの移民が祖国から持ち込む多くの伝統を直に見て、これに参加できるのは、この多文化社会に暮らす喜びのひとつといえます。 日本は、この地域で長年オーストラリアの最も緊密かつ一貫した友人のひとりであり続けています。両国は、長年にわたる協力・貿易・投資関係と、お互いに共有している戦略上の権益と民主的価値観を基に、包括的な戦略・安全保障・経済的パートナーシップを築いています。また、2007年のオーストラリアの日本への輸出総額は約350億ドルとなっており、日本は私たちにとって最大の輸出国で、総合的にみると第2の貿易相手国となっています。




On the 23 September, Western Australia welcomed in a new government and I was humbled to become Premier of this great state.

The Liberal-National Government intends, by example, to raise the standards of Parliament and manage the State in the best possible way to address issues currently facing us, as well as make sound decisions to ensure WA's future prosperity.

My relationship with Japan dates back to the late 1980's when I was the Executive Director for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Western Australia and continued when I became the Minister for Resources and Energy.

Since becoming Western Australia's 29th Premier, I was pleased to join over 250 Japanese and Australian trade executives at the Australia-Japan Joint Business Conference in October.

The conference provided opportunities to identify key issues of mutual interest and concern, including bilateral business relationships and the directions of trade and investment across major sectors including resources, agribusiness and tourism.

Also in October I was pleased to meet with Mr Torao Sato, Consul-General of Japan and the newly arrived Consul, Kazuhiko Anzai.

This year marked the 40th Anniversary of the WA-Japan business ties and I intend to make every effort to strengthen this relationship well into the future.

Speaking of the future, there is much to look forward to in 2009.

The year 2009 will mark the 20th Anniversary of Western Australia's first liquefied natural gas (LNG) export to Japan. Since 1989, Japanese power utilities have been the principal purchases of Western Australia's LNG.

In one of the biggest business/arts partnerships in Australian history, the North West Shelf Australia LNG Pty Ltd, has announced its support for the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra's tour of Japan.

Principal Conductor Paul Daniel will lead the West Australian Symphony Orchestra (WASO) on its first tour of the country in May 2009. WASO will perform in four cities together with Japanese violinist Kyoko Takezawa and digeridoo virtuoso William Barton. This tour provides a wonderful opportunity to share our cultures through music and I am sure it will be enjoyed by all that attend.

As Premier of our great state, I take this role and the responsibilities that come with it very seriously. Honesty, integrity and good governance was the platform on which the Liberal Party campaigned and I intend to continue this key message throughout all decision making and policy work that I do.

I look forward to visiting Japan early in the New Year to continue the excellent relationships our two countries have formed. On behalf of the WA Government I wish all The Perth Express readers and staff, a very prosperous and peaceful 2009.


The Hon. Mr. Colin Barnett MLA
Premier of Western Australia









また日本と、豪州史上最大のひとつと言われている経済・芸術に関するパートナーシップを結んでいるノース・ウエスト・シェルフ・オーストラリアLNG社が、西豪州シンフォニーオーケストラ(WASO)の日本ツアーへの後援を発表しております。これにより、今年5月にPaul Daniel氏が指揮を執るWASOの初の日本ツアーが実現されることとなりました。日本ツアーは、日本を代表するバイオリン奏者、竹澤恭子氏とディジュリドゥー演奏の巨匠William Barton 氏とともに全4都市で公演が行われる予定です。私は、このツアーは音楽を通して日本の皆さまに豪州の文化を感じて頂ける機会と確信しており、鑑賞者全員に満足して頂けるものと思っております。








  9月には総理就任間もない麻生総理は、国連総会出席の機を捉え、ラッド首相との間で2国間関係や世界金融危機問題などについて有益な対話を行いました。この金融危機問題についてはその後も電話会談などを通じて両首脳間で引き続き意見交換が行われてきています。 10月には御当地パースで日豪経済合同委員会会議が開催され、11月には、東京で日豪両国の政・官・財・学、メディアを代表する有識者が集い、幅広い分野で21世紀における新たな日豪関係のあり方について議論する『日豪会議』が開催されました。





H.E. Mr. Takaaki Kojima
Japanese Ambassador to Australia
小島 高明

To the residents of Perth and throughout the vast State of Western Australia, Happy New Year!

Having arrived in Australia in November 2007, this is the second time I have had the pleasure of conveying my best wishes for the New Year.

Soon after my arrival to take up my appointment as Japan's Ambassador to Australia, Perth was the first State capital I visited in an official capacity.

Japan has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with Western Australia, principally stemming from joint ventures involving the import and export of resources. We have established a deep rooted relationship sufficiently grounded and strong that it is likely the economy of Western Australia may not have developed quite the strength it enjoys today without that relationship.

To the people of Western Australia I offer my heartfelt appreciation for your efforts in working together with the people of Japan to bring this relationship to what we see today. I am confident that 2009 will see our relations strengthen even further.

Looking at the overall relationship between Japan and Australia, it is clear that our bilateral co-operation has now matured into a strategic partnership.

At the end of January last year, Foreign Minister Smith visited Japan. It was during this visit that he signed a new Taxation Agreement with Japan aimed at promoting investment between our two countries.

In June last year, Prime Minister Rudd visited Japan. While in Tokyo, he met with then Prime Minister Fukuda and both leaders agreed to continue to build on and strengthen the relationship between Japan and Australia, and they acknowledged the "comprehensive and strategic security and economic partnership" that the relationship enjoys today.

Also, it was during this visit that Prime Minister Rudd proposed the establishment of an international commission on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament. The inaugural meeting of this Commission was held in Sydney in October last year with Japan's former Foreign Minister Junko Kawaguchi and Australia's former Foreign Minister Gareth Evans as co-chairs. Furthermore, Australia, Japan and the United States held their ministerial Trilateral Strategic Dialogue in Kyoto in June.

For the first time, Australia was invited as one of sixteen countries to attend the Outreach Meeting which was held as an adjunct to the G8 Toyako Hokkaido Summit in July. This saw the second visit of Prime Minister Rudd to Japan.

In September, soon after becoming Japan's newly elected Prime Minister, Mr Aso visited New York. It was there while attending the General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations, that he took the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions with Prime Minister Rudd regarding our bilateral relations and the current global financial crisis. Since that time, both Prime Ministers have continued to keep in close contact.

In October, a meeting of the Australia-Japan Joint Economic Committee was held in Perth and in November the Australia-Japan Conference saw numerous leading figures from our countries' political, government, financial, academic and media sectors meeting in Tokyo to discuss how a new 21st Century Australia-Japan bilateral relationship might take shape in a variety of fields of endeavour.

Four sessions of negotiations on an Economic Partnership Agreement were held in 2008 and both sides benefitted from meaningful discussions on numerous issues of mutual interest including trade in goods and services, investment, intellectual property, government procurement, energy, mineral resources, and food supply.

Australia and Japan's shared values have enabled both countries to build a very close relationship. However, I firmly believe that it is important for us not to take this relationship for granted. Instead, we should strive even more to ensure its continuing expansion, resulting in an even deeper, friendly and co-operative relationship. For my part, I am firmly committed myself to the further development and expansion of what is today, an outstanding relationship between Japan and Australia.

In closing, let me sincerely wish all of you a very happy, healthy, fruitful New Year.


読者の皆様、明けましておめでとうございます。 読者の皆様のご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。






Mr. Torao Sato
Consul-General of Japan in Perth
佐藤 虎男

To the Readers of The Perth Express, Happy New Year.

I wish all of you a happy and prosperous new year.

Last year, abominable terrorist attacks took place in various countries one after another in the world, despite the fervent desire for peace and security shared by the people of the world.

Amidst the heightening of mutually dependent relationships between nations and the increasingly stronger flow of globalisation in various fields including economics in the international community in recent years, the energy and food shortage crises last year have been openly debated issues. Furthermore, from the beginning of autumn, we have been facing extremely harsh economic circumstances caused to the financial crisis that has emerged from the United States. As a reflection of these circumstances, a dark mood has befallen the international community of which Japan is a part. This year, we hope for the swift recovery of the world economy and for the smiles to be brought back to the people of Japan and rest of the world.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is currently promoting, 'Foreign policy for the people, diplomacy that walks together with the people'. We at the Consulate-General of Japan in Perth will continue to endeavour to fulfil a role on which the local Japanese residents are able to depend. In particular, we will continue our efforts at the consular affairs division, with which you are all greatly involved, to improve various consular services including providing safety information and protection for local Japanese residents, and issuing passports and various other documents.

When you encounter trouble overseas, the local diplomatic mission (Japanese Consulate-General or Embassy) naturally becomes the first place on which you depend. However, we hope everyone is able to understand that there are limits to what we can do due to human and financial restrictions. This is why, when you are travelling or living overseas, we advise you to be constantly aware as a foreigner of the perpetual risks that you may encounter, and be wary of dangers to your personal safety.

I wish all of you a safe and pleasant lifestyle in Perth for the coming year.


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