Speaking to Aussies 101 - Describing Nippon in English

「パースには何人の人が住んでいてね、こんなに広いんだよ」「へえ〜♪」「ところでニッポンはどれくらいの大きさなの? 何人くらいの人が住んでいるの?」「うっ!!(汗)」こんな経験はありませんか? 何気なく使っている日本語を、英語で説明しようとしてツマっちゃうことって、よくありますよね。自信を持ってニッポンを語る超基本、抑えておきましょう。 "There are around about that many people in Perth, and it's full of wide open spaces." "Wow!" "So anyway, how big is Japan, and how many people live there?" (sweating) "Ah..." Have you ever experienced this? Asking a Japanese person about Japan can be an arduous task. Even simple facts that may seem easy to explain can run up against the dreaded language barrier, and sometimes getting a shy Japanese person to just "speak!" is impossible. So this month we do it all for you. Well, the basic stuff anyway, in Japanese and English.

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