1. Reveal the explicit details of the military sexual slavery during the war.
2. Acknowledge the military sexual slavery of Japan as a war crime
3. Make formal apologies.
4. Identify and punish the criminals.
5. Build a monument in memory of victims and establish a reference library.
6. Provide reparations to the survivors and the bereaved families.
7. Record the truth in textbooks. (「日本軍「慰安婦」問題の解決運動の過去と現在、そして未来」より)

In Korea, any assembly or demonstration is strictly prohibited to be held within 100 meters circumference of the foreign embassies except the Wednesday-Demonstration, which shows that the issue of comfort women is a very emotional and a sensitive issue between Korea and Japan.

Since the street continued to be blocked, the microbus had to go on a detour through a back ally and head to a street leading to the Japanese Embassy. However, there was another group of about 200 mobile police forming three barriers. Unless we could pass through these barricades, the demonstration would have been suspended.


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