Vol. 85 Sentence structures 48

その後、皆さんの日本語学習はいかがでしょうか。新学期が始まり、また勉強に戻る人達も多いかと思いますが、頑張ってください。さて、「The Nihongo Express」は今月号をもちまして終了させていただくことになりました。これまで長い間、このコーナーを御利用いただいた皆さんに深くお礼申し上げます。最終回ということで、学習者の皆さんには、「お別れの挨拶」を練習していただきます。これでお別れと言わず、これからも日本語の学習を続けてくださいね。

How is your Japanese study going? I think that many of you will go back to study from this new term. Well, I really regret to say this, but ‘The Nihongo Express’ will discontinue. I appreciate the readers who have used this corner for a long time. This is the last practice, so I would like you to learn ‘Taking your leave’. However, please do not leave your Japanese study, OK?


For helping Japanese language learners in Australia, supporting materials of grammar and conversation practice have been introduced in this corner. We are happy if this corner has been useful to you. Learning a foreign language is not so easy, but the most important thing is that the learners should have strong motivation for learning. When you study, please focus on communication rather than tiny rules.

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